Pop Tab FAQ
What is the Pop Tab Program?
Our Pop Tab Program is a great way for families, schools, organizations, businesses and individuals to support the RMHC Midwest | MN, WI, IA mission. When pop tabs are donated, volunteers bring them to a local recycling facility and exchange the aluminum for cash. All proceeds directly support RMHC Midwest | MN, WI, IA.
What should I store my pop tabs in as I’m collecting?
Feel free to get creative! Pop tabs are often delivered in coffee cans, baggies, decorated shoe boxes, or small pop tab collection houses available (in limited quantities) at our House.
But it’s just a little piece of aluminum, does that actually add up to anything?
Absolutely! Each year, our Pop Tab Program raises between $10,000-$15,000 for RMHC Midwest | MN, WI, IA.
Where do I drop my pop tabs off?
When your container is full, drop it off at RMHC Midwest | MN, WI, IA. Volunteers take the pop tabs to the recycling center where they are weighed and a check is written to the organization based on a per pound price.
What exactly is a pop tab?
A pop tab is the flip top on aluminum cans. You can collect them from soda cans, sparkling water cans and various other beverage cans. We also take tabs from soup, fruit, vegetable and pet food cans that have tabs.
Why don’t you collect the whole can?
We collect the tabs instead of whole cans due to space and cleanliness considerations at the House. Three times per year, we do collect whole aluminum cans during Cans for Kids. Visit our special events page for our next collection day in partnership with McNeilus Companies.